Using Convolutional 3D Neural Networks for User-Independent Continuous Gesture Recognition (bibtex)
by Necati Cihan Camgoz, Simon Hadfield, Oscar Koller and Richard Bowden
Using Convolutional 3D Neural Networks for User-Independent Continuous Gesture Recognition (Necati Cihan Camgoz, Simon Hadfield, Oscar Koller and Richard Bowden), In Proceedings IEEE International Conference of Pattern Recognition (ICPR), ChaLearn Workshop, 2016. (Oral, 2nd place)
Bibtex Entry:
	title	=	{Using Convolutional 3D Neural Networks for User-Independent Continuous Gesture Recognition},
	author	=	{Necati Cihan Camgoz and Simon Hadfield and Oscar Koller and Richard Bowden},
	booktitle=	{Proceedings IEEE International Conference of Pattern Recognition (ICPR), ChaLearn Workshop},
	year	=	{2016},
	gsid = {12739738635960655355},
	Url	=	{},
  Comment                  = {<font color="red">Oral</font>, <font color="red">2nd place</font>},
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