by Jaime Spencer, Chris Russell, Simon Hadfield and Richard Bowden
Kick Back & Relax: Learning to Reconstruct the World by Watching SlowTV (Jaime Spencer, Chris Russell, Simon Hadfield and Richard Bowden), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), IEEE, 2023. (Oral, Code and Benchmark, Supplementary information)
Bibtex Entry:
title={Kick Back & Relax: Learning to Reconstruct the World by Watching SlowTV},
author={Jaime Spencer and Chris Russell and Simon Hadfield and Richard Bowden},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
Year = {2023},
Publisher = {IEEE},
Url = {},
Comment = {<font color="red">Oral</font>, <a href="">Code and Benchmark</a>, <a href="">Supplementary information</a>},
% Doi = {},