Optimal Use of Machine Learning for Planetary Terrain Navigation (bibtex)
by Peter Blacker
Optimal Use of Machine Learning for Planetary Terrain Navigation (Peter Blacker), PhD thesis, University of Surrey, 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
  author =       {Peter Blacker},
  supervisor =   {Bridges, Chris P. and Hadfield, Simon},
  title =        {Optimal Use of Machine Learning for Planetary Terrain Navigation},
  school =       {University of Surrey},
  address =      {Guildford, United Kingdom},
  year =         {2021},
  month =        {April},
  type =         {{PhD Thesis}},
  issn =         {},
  pages =        {217},
  Url =        {http://personalpages.surrey.ac.uk/s.hadfield/papers/Thesis_Pete_Blacker.pdf},
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