The GRETA/GRETINA Collaboration The FAUST array is designed to be operated inside the GRETA gamma-ray array or it's initial version GRETINA. The GRETA/GRETINA site gives more details of collaborators. |
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
Reactions Group The Livermore Nuclear Reactions group has a particular interest in the use of surrogate reactions to infer cross sections for neutron-induced reactions. |
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Reactions
Group The Oak Ridge Laboratory is the base for a Low-Energy Nuclear Physics Group and a Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics Group. Both of these are collaborators. The Nuclear Astrophysics group has developed the ORRUBA array and its implementation in GODDESS to be used with GRETINA at Argonne and FRIB. The Astro group has strong links with the Rutgers and UTK groups. They have a particular interest in reactions of nuclear astrophysical relevance and also nuclear structure. |
Argonne National Laboratory
FMA Group The FAUST members at Surrey and York are close collaborators of the FMA/Gamma group at ATLAS at ANL and share many scientific interests that are relevant to FAUST. |
FRIB DAQ Group The FAUST electronics and DAQ is designed to integrate naturally with other DAQ instrumentation at FRIB and the FRIB DAQ and Electronics groups are important collaborators. |
Micron Semiconductor One of the companies that we are looking at for supply of silicon strip detectors is Micron Semiconductor which is based in (West) Lancing in the UK. (Catalogue download). |
HILGER Crystals One of the companies that we are looking at for scintillator supply is HILGER who are based in Margate, Kent in the UK. |
XIA Our supplier of FRIB-compatible digitisers is XIA who are based in California, USA. |