SeDAR-Semantic Detection and Ranging: Humans can localise without LiDAR, can robots? (bibtex)
by Oscar Mendez, Simon Hadfield, Nicolas Pugeault and Richard Bowden
SeDAR-Semantic Detection and Ranging: Humans can localise without LiDAR, can robots? (Oscar Mendez, Simon Hadfield, Nicolas Pugeault and Richard Bowden), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018. (Supplementary Video)
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {SeDAR-Semantic Detection and Ranging: Humans can localise without LiDAR, can robots?},
  Author                   = {Oscar Mendez and Simon Hadfield and Nicolas Pugeault and Richard Bowden},
  Booktitle                = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
  Year                     = {2018},
  Comment                  = {<a href="">Supplementary Video</a>},
  Url                      = {}
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