by Oscar Mendez, Simon Hadfield, Nicolas Pugeault and Richard Bowden
Next-best stereo: extending next best view optimisation for collaborative sensors (Oscar Mendez, Simon Hadfield, Nicolas Pugeault and Richard Bowden), In Proceedings of the British Conference on Machine Vision (BMVC), BMVA Press, 2016. (Oral)
Bibtex Entry:
Title = {Next-best stereo: extending next best view optimisation for collaborative sensors},
Author = {Oscar Mendez and Simon Hadfield and Nicolas Pugeault and Richard Bowden},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the British Conference on Machine Vision (BMVC)},
Year = {2016},
Address = {York, UK},
Month = {19 -- 22 } # sep,
Publisher = {BMVA Press},
Comment = {<font color="red">Oral</font>},
Url = {}