Learning to Recognise Visual Content from Textual Annotation (bibtex)
by Marter, Matt
Learning to Recognise Visual Content from Textual Annotation (Marter, Matt), PhD thesis, University of Surrey, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
  author =       {Marter, Matt},
  supervisor =   {Bowden, Richard and Hadfield, Simon},
  title =        {Learning to Recognise Visual Content from Textual Annotation},
  school =       {University of Surrey},
  address =      {Guildford, United Kingdom},
  year =         {2018},
  month =        {October},
  type =         {{PhD Thesis}},
  issn =         {},
  pages =        {207},
  Url =        {http://personalpages.surrey.ac.uk/s.hadfield/papers/marter_thesis.pdf},
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