Exploring Causal Relationships in Visual Object Tracking (bibtex)
by Karel Lebeda, Simon Hadfield and Richard Bowden
Causal relationships can often be found in visual object tracking between the motions of the camera and that of the tracked object. This object motion may be an effect of the camera motion, e.g. an unsteady handheld camera. But it may also be the cause, e.g. the cameraman framing the object. In this paper we explore these relationships, and provide statistical tools to detect and quantify them; these are based on transfer entropy and stem from information theory. The relationships are then exploited to make predictions about the object location. The approach is shown to be an excellent measure for describing such relationships. On the VOT2013 dataset the prediction accuracy is increased by 62% over the best non-causal predictor. We show that the location predictions are robust to camera shake and sudden motion, which is invaluable for any tracking algorithm and demonstrate this by applying causal prediction to two state-of-the-art trackers. Both of them benefit, Struck gaining a 7% accuracy and 22 % robustness increase on the VTB1.1 benchmark, becoming the new state-of-the-art.
Exploring Causal Relationships in Visual Object Tracking (Karel Lebeda, Simon Hadfield and Richard Bowden), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), IEEE, 2015. (Supplementary Results, Spotlight video, Code, Poster)
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {Exploring Causal Relationships in Visual Object Tracking},
  Author                   = {Karel Lebeda and Simon Hadfield and Richard Bowden},
  Booktitle                = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
  Year                     = {2015},

  Address                  = {Santiago, Chile},
  Month                    = {10 -- 18 } # dec,
  Organization             = {IEEE},
  Publisher                = {IEEE},
  Pages = {3065 -- 3073},
  Doi = {10.1109/ICCV.2015.351},

  Abstract                 = {Causal relationships can often be found in visual object tracking between the motions of the camera and that of the tracked object. This object motion may be an effect of the camera motion, e.g. an unsteady handheld camera. But it may also be the cause, e.g. the cameraman framing the object. In this paper we explore these relationships, and provide statistical tools to detect and quantify them; these are based on transfer entropy and stem from information theory. The relationships are then exploited to make predictions about the object location. The approach is shown to be an excellent measure for describing such relationships. On the VOT2013 dataset the prediction accuracy is increased by 62% over the best non-causal predictor. We show that the location predictions are robust to camera shake and sudden motion, which is invaluable for any tracking algorithm and demonstrate this by applying causal prediction to two state-of-the-art trackers. Both of them benefit, Struck gaining a 7% accuracy and 22 % robustness increase on the VTB1.1 benchmark, becoming the new state-of-the-art.},
  Comment                  = {<a href="http://cvssp.org/Personal/KarelLebeda/papers/ICCV2015_report.pdf">Supplementary Results</a>, <a href="https://vimeo.com/141908477">Spotlight video</a>, <a href="http://cvssp.org/Personal/KarelLebeda/papers/ICCV2015_code.zip">Code</a>, <a href="http://cvssp.org/Personal/KarelLebeda/papers/ICCV2015_poster.pdf">Poster</a>},
  Crossref                 = {ICCV15},
	gsid = {13792926635731353289},
  Url                      = {http://personalpages.surrey.ac.uk/s.hadfield/papers/Exploring%20Causal%20Relationships%20in%20Visual%20Object%20Tracking.pdf}
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