Abstracts are in the bib files.
Please contact me
if you find a broken link or have a query.
Academic journal
Kim, H., Remaggi, L., Dourado, A., Campos, T. D., Jackson, P.J.B., & Hilton, A.
"Immersive audio-visual scene reproduction using semantic scene reconstruction from 360 cameras".
Virtual Reality, 1-16.
pdf |
doi |
springer ]
Conference paper
F. Schweiger, C. Pike, T. Nixon, M. Firth, B. Weir, P. Golds,
M. Volino, M.A. Mohd Izhar, N. Graham-Rack, P.J.B. Jackson, and A. Ang
(2021, Dec.)
"Tools for 6-DoF immersive audiovisual content capture and production".
In IBC (online).
pdf |
pdf |
feature ]
Stenzel, H., Berghi, D., Volino, M., & Jackson, P.J.B.,
(2021, March).
"Naturalistic audio-visual volumetric sequences dataset of sounding actions for six degree-of-freedom interaction".
In 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)
(pp. 637-638).
pdf |
doi |
web |
ieeexplore |
epub |
arXiv ]
Davide Berghi, Adrian D.M. Hilton & Philip J.B. Jackson,
(2021, Oct.).
"Visually supervised speaker detection and localization via microphone array"
In IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP),
23rd (06/10/2021-09/10/2021).
pdf |
doi |
epub |
best paper ]
Academic journal
Kim, H., Remaggi, L., Fowler, S., Jackson, P.J.B., & Hilton, A.
"Acoustic room modelling using 360 stereo cameras".
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 23, 4117-4130.
pdf |
doi |
ieeexplore ]
Blanco Galindo, M., Coleman, P., & Jackson, P.J.B.
(2020, May).
"Microphone array geometries for horizontal spatial audio object capture with beamforming".
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society,
68(5), 324-337.
pdf |
doi |
epub |
aes ]
Conference paper
Chitreddy, S., & Jackson, P.J.B.
(2020, December).
"Source distance perception with reverberant spatial audio object reproduction of real rooms".
In Forum Acusticum, Lyon, France (pp. 2079-2086).
pdf |
hal |
doi ]
Izhar, M. A. M., Volino, M., Marston, D., Hilton, A., & Jackson, P.J.B.
(2020, December).
"Tracking sound sources for object-based spatial audio in 3D audio-visual production".
In Forum Acusticum, Lyon, France (pp. 2051-2058).
pdf |
hal |
doi ]
Berghi, D., Stenzel, H., Volino, M., Hilton, A., & Jackson, P.J.B.
(2020, March).
"Audio-visual spatial alignment requirements of central and peripheral object events".
In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)
(pp. 666-667). IEEE.
pdf |
ieeexplore |
doi |
arXiv |
epub ]
Book chapter
Kim, H., Remaggi, L., Jackson, P.J.B., & Hilton, A.
"Immersive virtual reality audio rendering adapted to the listener and the room".
In Real VR-Immersive Digital Reality
(pp. 293-318).
Springer, Cham.
doi |
springer ]
Philip Coleman, Andreas Franck, Jon Francombe, Qingju Liu, Teofilo de Campos,
Richard Hughes, Dylan Menzies, Marcos Simón Gálvez, Yan Tang, James Woodcock,
Frank Melchior, Chris Pike, Filippo Fazi, Trevor Cox, Adrian Hilton, &
Philip J.B. Jackson
(2020, Nov.)
"S3A Audio-Visual System for Object-Based Audio"
University of Surrey.
doi |
url ]
Luca Remaggi & Philip J.B. Jackson,
(2020, Nov.)
"Acoustic Binaural Room Impulse Responses"
University of Surrey.
doi |
url ]
Stenzel, H. & Jackson, P.J.B.
(2020, Nov.)
"Audio-Visual Spatial Coherence Data"
University of Surrey.
doi |
url ]
Coleman, P., Remaggi, L., & Jackson, P.J.B.
(2020, Nov.).
"S3A Room Impulse Responses".
University of Surrey.
doi |
url ]
Coleman, P. & Jackson, P.J.B.
(2020, Nov.).
"POSZ Room Impulse Responses".
University of Surrey.
doi |
url ]
Academic journal
Q. Liu, P.J.B. Jackson, and W. Wang,
"A speech synthesis approach for high quality speech separation and generation",
IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 26(12): 1872-1876, Dec. 2019.
[ bib |
preprint |
doi ]
L. Remaggi, P.J.B. Jackson and W. Wang,
"Modeling the Comb Filter Effect and Interaural
Coherence for Binaural Source Separation",
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech & Lang. Proc., 27(12): 2263-2277, Dec. 2019.
[ bib |
preprint |
doi |
arXiv ]
A. Franck, J. Francombe, Q. Liu, T. de Campos, R. Hughes, D. Menzies, M. Simon Galvez, Y. Tang, J. Woodcock, P.D. Coleman, P.J.B. Jackson, F. Melchior, C. Pike, F. Fazi, T.J. Cox and A. Hilton,
"A system architecture for semantically informed rendering of object-based audio", Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 67(7/8): 498-509, July 2019.
[ bib |
preprint |
doi |
link |
epub |
eprint ]
H. Stenzel, J. Francombe and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Limits of Perceived Audio-Visual Spatial Coherence as Defined by Reaction Time Measurements",
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13(451): 1-17, May 2019.
[ bib |
print |
doi ]
Conference paper
M. Krzyzaniak, D. Frohlick, P.J.B. Jackson,
"Six types of audio that DEFY reality! A taxonomy of audio augmented reality with examples"
Audio Mostly '19, Nottingham, UK, 18-20 September, 2019.
[ bib |
preprint |
slides |
epub |
conf ]
L. Remaggi, H. Kim, A. Neidhardt, A. Hilton, P.J.B. Jackson,
"Perceived quality and spatial impression of room reverberation in VR
reproduction from measured images and acoustics",
In Proc. 23rd Int. Cong. on Acoustics (ICA2019), Aachen, Germany, 9-13 September 2019.
[ bib |
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slides |
link ]
Q. Kong, Y. Xu, W. Wang, P. Jackson, and M. Plumbley,
"Single-Channel Signal Separation and Deconvolution with Generative Adversarial",
In Proc. Proc. 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019), Macao, China, 10-16 August, 2019.
[ bib |
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epub |
proc |
arXiv ]
C. Kroos, O. Bones, Y. Cao, L. Harris, P.J.B. Jackson, W.J. Davies, W.Wang, T.J. Cox, and M.D. Plumbley,
"Generalisation in environmental sound classification: The 'making sense of sounds' dataset and challenge",
In Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.5, Brighton, UK, 12-17 May 2019.
[ bib |
preprint |
doi |
epub ]
B. Hammond, P.J.B. Jackson,
"Robust Full-sphere Binaural Sound Source Localization Using Interaural and Spectral Cues",
In Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.1-5, Brighton, UK, 12-17 May 2019.
[ bib |
preprint |
poster |
doi ]
H. Kim, L. Remaggi, P.J.B. Jackson, A. Hilton,
"Spatial Audio Reproduction System for VR Using 360 degree Cameras",
In Proc. 12th Asia Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality (APMAR 2019), Osaka, Japan, 28-29 March 2019.
[ bib |
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link |
epub ]
L. Remaggi, H. Kim, P.J.B. Jackson, A. Hilton,
"Reproducing Real World Acoustics in Virtual Reality Using Spherical Cameras",
In Proc. Audio Eng. Soc. Int. Conf. on Immersive and Interactive Audio, P11-3, York, UK, 27-29 March 2019.
[ bib |
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epub ]
M. Blanco Galindo, P. Coleman, P.J.B. Jackson,
"Robust hypercardioid synthesis for spatial audio capture: microphone geometry, directivity and robustness",
In Proc. Audio Eng. Soc. Int. Conf. on Immersive and Interactive Audio, P6-5, York, UK, 27-29 March 2019.
[ bib |
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epub ]
H. Kim, L. Remaggi, P.J.B. Jackson, A. Hilton,
"Immersive Spatial Audio Reproduction for VR/AR Using Room Acoustic Modelling from 360 Images",
In Proc. IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR), Osaka, Japan, 23-27 March 2019.
[ bib |
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doi |
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conf |
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epub ]
P.J.B. Jackson, F.M. Fazi, P.D. Coleman,
"Personalising sound over loudspeakers",
In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), T1, Brighton, UK, 12 May 2019.
[ bib |
slides |
doi ]
Academic journal
P.D. Coleman, A. Franck, J. Francombe, Q. Liu, T. de Campos, R. Hughes, D. Menzies, M. Simón Gálvez, Y. Tang, J. Woodcock, P.J.B. Jackson, F. Melchior, C. Pike, F. Fazi, T.J. Cox and A. Hilton,
"An audio-visual system for object-based audio: from recording to listening", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 20(8): 1919-1931, Aug. 2018.
[ bib |
doi |
epub ]
Q. Liu, W. Wang, T.E. de Campos, P.J.B. Jackson and A.D.M. Hilton,
"Multiple speaker tracking in spatial audio via PHD filtering and depth-audio fusion",
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 20(7): 1767-1780, July 2018.
[ bib |
doi |
epub ]
J. Francombe, J. Woodcock, R.J. Hughes, R. Mason, A. Franck, C. Pike, T. Brookes, W.J. Davies, P.J.B. Jackson, T.J. Cox,
"Qualitative evaluation of media device orchestration for immersive spatial audio reproduction",
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 66(6): 414-429, June 2018.
[ bib |
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doi |
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epub ]
Conference paper
B.R. Hammond and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Robust median-plane binaural sound source localization",
Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2018 Workshop (DCASE2018), pp.168-172, Woking, UK, 19-20 Nov. 2018.
[ preprint |
link ]
L. Remaggi, H. Kim, P.J.B. Jackson, A. Hilton,
"An Audio-Visual Method for Room Boundary Estimation and Material Recognition",
ACM Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Audio-Visual Scene Understanding for Immersive Multimedia (AVSU'18), Seoul, Oct. 2018.
[ preprint |
doi |
link |
epub ]
Q. Liu, W. Wang, P.J.B. Jackson, and S. Safavi,
"A Performance Evaluation of Several Deep Neural Networks for Reverberant Speech Separation",
52nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, 28-31 Oct. 2018.
[ preprint |
doi |
epub ]
H. Stenzel, P.J.B. Jackson, and J. Francombe,
"Reaction times of spatially coherent and incoherent signals
in a word recognition task",
In Proc. Audio Eng. Soc. Int. Conf. on Audio for Virtual & Aug. Reality (AVAR2018),
Redmond WA, 20-22 Aug. 2018.
[ preprint |
link |
video ]
H. Stenzel, and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Perceptual thresholds of audio-visual spatial coherence for
a variety of audio-visual objects",
In Proc. Audio Eng. Soc. Int. Conf. on Audio for Virtual & Aug. Reality (AVAR2018),
Redmond WA, 20-22 Aug. 2018.
[ preprint |
link |
video ]
J. Woodcock, J. Francombe, A. Franck, P. Coleman, R. Hughes, H. Kim, Q. Liu, D. Menzies, M.F. Simón Gálvez, Y. Tang, T. Brookes, W.J. Davies, B.M. Fazenda, R. Mason, T.J. Cox, F.M. Fazi, P.J.B. Jackson, C. Pike, and A. Hilton,
"A framework for intelligent metadata adaptation in object-based audio",
Audio Eng. Soc. Int. Conf. on Spatial Reproduction - Aesthetics and Science, P11-3, Tokyo, 7-9 Aug. 2018.
[ preprint |
link |
epub ]
T. Duel, D.M. Frohlich, C. Kroos, Y. Xu, P.J.B. Jackson, M.D. Plumbley,
"Supporting audiography: Design of a system for senti-mental sound recording, classification and playback",
In Proc. Communications in Computer and Information Science:
HCI International 2018 (HCII2018),
Posters' Extended Abstracts 850, Springer, Las Vegas, NV, July 2018.
[ bib |
preprint |
poster |
doi |
epub ]
P. Coleman, Q. Liu, J. Francombe, P.J.B. Jackson,
"Perceptual evaluation of blind source separation in object-based audio production",
In Proc. International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA/ICA2018), pp.558-567, Springer, Guildford, UK, July 2018.
[ bib |
preprint |
poster |
doi |
epub ]
L. Remaggi, P.J.B. Jackson, P. Coleman, T. Parnell,
"Estimation of Object-based Reverberation using an Ad-hoc Microphone Arrangement for Live Performance",
In Proc. 144th AES Convention, Milan, Italy, May 2018.
[ bib |
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epub ]
L. Remaggi, H. Kim, P.J.B. Jackson, F.M. Fazi, A. Hilton,
"Acoustic reflector localization and classification",
In Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.201-205, Calgary, Canada, April 2018.
[ bib |
preprint |
doi ]
Q. Liu, Y. Xu, P.J.B. Jackson, W. Wang, P. Coleman,
"Iterative deep neural networks for speaker-independent binaural blind speech separation",
In Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.541-545, Calgary, Canada, April 2018.
[ bib |
preprint |
doi |
epub ]
B. Hammond, P.J.B. Jackson,
"Robust Full-Sphere Binaural Sound Source Localization",
In Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.86-90, Calgary, Canada, April 2018.
[ bib |
preprint |
doi |
epub ]
Q. Huang, P.J.B. Jackson, M.D. Plumbley, W. Wang,
"Synthesis of images by two-stage generative adversarial networks",
In Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp.1593-1597, Calgary, Canada, April 2018.
[ bib |
preprint |
doi |
poster ]
Conference poster
C. Kroos, O. Bones, Y. Cao, L. Harris, P.J.B. Jackson, W.J. Davies, W. Wang, T.J. Cox, M.D. Plumbley,
"The Making Sense of Sounds Challenge",
Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events
(DCASE2018), PB-6, Woking, UK, 19-20 Nov. 2018.
[ link ]
P.D. Coleman, A. Franck, J. Francombe, Q. Liu, T. de Campos, R. Hughes, D. Menzies, M. Simón Gálvez, Y. Tang, J. Woodcock, F. Melchior, C. Pike, F. Fazi, T.J. Cox, A. Hilton, and P.J.B. Jackson,
"S3A Audio-Visual System for Object-Based Audio",
University of Surrey
[ link |
doi |
epub ]
Academic journal
Y. Xu, Q. Huang, W. Wang, P. Foster, S. Sigtia, P.J.B. Jackson and M.D. Plumbley,
"Unsupervised feature learning based on deep models for environmental audio tagging",
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech & Lang. Proc., Special issue on Sound Scene and Event Analysis, 25(6): 1230-1241, June 2017.
[ IEEE |
doi |
epub ]
[arXiv preprint: 1607.03681, abstract | pdf ]
R.A. Sporea, P.J.B. Jackson and S. Lygo-Baker,
"Developing undergraduate teaching materials in collaboration with pre-university students",
MRS Advances, Materials Research Society, 2(31-32): 1713-1719, May 2017.
[ doi ]
L. Remaggi, P.J.B. Jackson, P.D. Coleman and W. Wang,
"Acoustic Reflector Localization: Novel Image Source Reversion and Direct Localization Methods",
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech & Lang. Proc., 25(2):296-309, 2017.
[ ACM |
doi |
epub ]
[arXiv preprint: 1610.05653, abstract |
pdf ]
P.D. Coleman, A. Franck, P.J.B. Jackson, R.J. Hughes, L. Remaggi and F. Melchior,
"Object-Based Reverberation for Spatial Audio",
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 65(1/2): 66-77, Jan. 2017.
[ preprint |
doi |
epub ]
Conference paper
H. Kim, L. Remaggi, P.J.B. Jackson, F. Fazi and A. Hilton,
"3D room geometry reconstruction using audio-visual sensors",
In Proc. International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV 2017), pp.621-629, Qingdao, China, Oct. 2017.
[ doi |
epub ]
Q. Liu, W. Wang, P.J.B. Jackson and Y. Tang,
"A perceptually-weighted deep neural network for monaural speech enhancement in various background noise conditions",
In Proc. 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2017), pp.1270-1274, Kos Island, Greece, Aug. 2017.
[ doi |
epub ]
J. Francombe, R. Mason, P.J.B. Jackson, T. Brookes, R. Hughes, J. Woodcock, A. Franck, F. Melchior and C. Pike,
"Media device orchestration for immersive spatial audio reproduction",
In Proc. Audio Mostly Conference on Augmented and Participatory Sound and Music Experiences (AM '17), p.33, London, Aug. 2017.
[ doi |
epub ]
M. Blanco Galindo, P. Coleman, P.J.B. Jackson and L. Remaggi,
"Microphone Array Design for Spatial Audio Object Early Reflection Parameterisation
from Room Impulse Responses",
In Proc. 24th Int. Conf. on Sound & Vibration (ICSV 2017), London, July 2017.
[ bib |
preprint |
epub |
video |
podcast ]
P. Coleman and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Planarity Analysis of Room Acoustics for Object-based Reverberation",
In Proc. 24th Int. Conf. on Sound & Vibration (ICSV 2017), London, July 2017.
[ bib |
preprint |
epub |
video |
podcast ]
P. Coleman, M. Blanco Galindo and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Comparison of Microphone Array Geometries for Multi-point Sound Field Reproduction",
In Proc. 24th Int. Conf. on Sound & Vibration (ICSV 2017), London, July 2017.
[ bib |
preprint |
epub |
video |
podcast ]
H. Stenzel, P.J.B. Jackson and J. Francombe,
"Speech reaction time measurements for the evaluation of audio-visual spatial coherence",
In Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2017), Erfurt, Germany, May 2017.
[ link |
doi |
video |
podcast ]
H. Stenzel, P.J.B. Jackson and J. Francombe,
"Modeling Horizontal Audio-Visual Coherence with the Psychometric Function",
In Proc. 142nd Audio Eng. Soc. Convention, Paper 9758, Berlin, May 2017.
[ bib |
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epub |
video |
podcast ]
B. Hammond and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Full-Sphere Binaural Sound Source Localization by Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Interaural Parameters",
In Proc. 142nd Audio Eng. Soc. Convention, Paper 9771, Berlin, May 2017.
[ bib |
preprint |
link ]
H. Kim, R.J. Hughes, L. Remaggi, P.J.B. Jackson, A. Hilton, T.J. Cox, B. Shirley,
"Acoustic Room Modelling Using a Spherical Camera for Reverberant Spatial Audio Objects",
In Proc. 142nd Audio Eng. Soc. Convention, Paper 9705, Berlin, May 2017.
[ bib |
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video |
podcast ]
P. Coleman, A. Franck, D. Menzies and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Object-Based Reverberation Encoding from First-Order Ambisonic RIRs",
In Proc. 142nd Audio Eng. Soc. Convention, Paper 9731, Berlin, May 2017.
[ bib |
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video |
podcast ]
Q. Huang, Y. Xu, P.J.B. Jackson, W. Wang and M.D. Plumbley,
"Fast tagging of natural sounds using marginal co-regularization",
In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech & Sig. Proc. (ICASSP 2017), pp.2991-2995, New Orleans, USA, March 2017.
[ link |
preprint |
doi |
epub ]
Conference abstract
P.J.B. Jackson, M.D. Plumbley, W. Wang, T. Brookes, P. Coleman, R. Mason, D. Frohlich, C. Bonina, D. Plans,
"Signal Processing, Psychoacoustic Engineering and Digital Worlds: Interdisciplinary Audio Research at the University of Surrey",
Speech and Audio in the North East (SANE 2017), New York, Oct. 2017.
[ epub ]
Digital resource
Jackson, P., Fazi, F., Melchior, F., Cox, T., Hilton, A., Pike, C., Francombe, J., Franck, A., Coleman, P., Menzies-Gow, D. & Woodcock, J., 2017.
"Object-Based Audio Rendering". arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.07218.
Kim, H., Remaggi, L., Jackson, P. J. B., & Hilton, A. (2017). "S3A audio-visual captures".
University of Surrey.
doi |
url ]
Conference paper
Y. Xu, Q. Huang, W. Wang, P.J.B. Jackson and M.D. Plumbley,
"Fully DNN-based multi-label regression for audio tagging",
In Proc. Workshop on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE2016), Budapest, Sept. 2016.
[arXiv preprint: 1606.07695, abstract |
pdf ]
Q. Liu, Y. Tang, P.J.B. Jackson and W. Wang,
"Predicting binaural speech intelligibility from signals estimated by a blind source separation algorithm",
In Proc. Interspeech 2016, San Francisco, USA, Sept. 2016.
[ epub ]
P. Coleman and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Planarity-based sound field optimization for multi-listener spatial audio",
In Proc. 2016 AES Int. Conf. on Sound Field Control, Guildford, UK, July 2016.
[ bib |
preprint |
slides |
link ]
P. Coleman, A. Franck, P.J.B. Jackson, R. Hughes, L. Remaggi and F. Melchior,
"On object-based audio with reverberation",
In Proc. AES 60th Int. Conf. on Dereverberation and Reverberation of Audio, Music and Speech (DREAMS), Leuven, Feb. 2016.
[ bib |
preprint |
link |
demo ]
Conference abstract
H. Stenzel and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Comparison of reaction time measurements and yes/no question paradigm regarding the perception
of spatial coherence",
In Proc. Workshop on Auditory Neuroscience, Cognition and Modelling, London, Feb. 2016.
P. Coleman, P.J.B. Jackson, A. Franck and C. Pike,
"Object-based reverberation for interactive spatial audio"
In Interactive Audio Systems Symposium, York, UK, Sept. 2016.
[ link ]
Digital resource
L. Remaggi, P.J.B. Jackson, P. Coleman, and W. Wang,
"Acoustic reflector localization: novel image source reversion and direct localization methods",
arXiv, UK, Oct. 2016 [].
Academic journal
K. Baykaner, J. Francombe, R. Mason, P. Coleman, M. Olik, P.J.B. Jackson and S. Bech,
"The relationship between target quality and interference in sound zones",
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society,
63(1/2): 78-89, Jan. 2015.
[ bib |
doi |
journal ]
Conference paper
Q. Liu, T.E. de Campos, W. Wang, P.J.B. Jackson and A. Hilton, "Person tracking using audio and depth cues",
In Proc. ICCVW on 3D Reconstruction and Understanding with Video and Sound, Santiago, Chile, Dec. 2015.
[ bib |
preprint ]
L. Remaggi, P.J.B. Jackson, P. Coleman and J. Francombe, "Visualization of compact microphone array room impulse responses", In Proc. 139th AES Int. Conv. (e-Brief 218), New York, Nov. 2015.
[ bib |
preprint |
slides ]
link ]
Q. Liu, W. Wang, P.J.B. Jackson, T.J. Cox,
"A source separation evaluation method in object-based spatial audio",
In Proc. EUSIPCO, Nice, France, Sept. 2015.
[ bib |
preprint |
poster ]
L. Remaggi, P.J.B. Jackson, and P. Coleman,
"Source, sensor and reflector position estimation from acoustical room impulse responses" (invited),
In Proc. 22nd International Conference on Sound and Vibration (ICSV 2015), Florence, Italy, July 2015.
[ bib |
preprint |
slides ]
L. Remaggi, P.J.B. Jackson, and P. Coleman,
"Estimation of room reflection parameters for a reverberant spatial audio object",
In Proc. 138th AES Int. Conv., Paper 9258, Warsaw, Poland, May 2015.
[ bib |
preprint |
link ]
P. Coleman, P.J.B. Jackson, and J. Francombe,
"Audio object separation using microphone array beamforming",
In Proc. 138th AES Int. Conv., Paper 9296, Warsaw, Poland, May 2015.
[ bib |
preprint |
link ]
J. Francombe, T. Brookes, R. Mason, R. Flindt, P. Coleman, Q. Liu, and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Production and reproduction of program material for a variety of spatial audio formats",
In Proc. 138th AES Int. Conv., e-Brief 199, Warsaw, Poland, May 2015.
[ bib |
preprint |
slides |
link ]
W. Rafique, S.M. Naqvi, P.J.B. Jackson, and J.Chambers,
"IVA algorithms using a multivariate student's t source prior for speech source separation in real room environments",
In Proc. 40th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP2015), Brisbane, Australia, April 2015.
[ bib |
print |
doi ]
L. Remaggi, P.J.B. Jackson, W. Wang, and J. Chambers,
"A 3D model for room boundary estimation",
In Proc. 40th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP2015), Brisbane, Australia, April 2015.
[ bib |
preprint |
poster |
doi ]
Academic journal
R. Conetta, T. Brookes, F. Rumsey, S. Zielinski, M. Dewhirst, P.J.B. Jackson, S. Bech, D. Meares, and S. George,
"Spatial Audio Quality Perception (Part 2): A linear regression model",
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society,
62 (12): 847-860, Dec. 2014.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint |
journal ]
R. Conetta, T. Brookes, F. Rumsey, S. Zielinski, M. Dewhirst, P.J.B. Jackson, S. Bech, D. Meares, and S. George,
"Spatial Audio Quality Perception (Part 1): Impact of commonly encountered processes",
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society,
62 (12): 831-846, Dec. 2014.
[ bib |
doi |
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journal ]
M. Olik, P.J.B. Jackson, P. Coleman, and J.A. Pedersen,
"Optimum source geometry for sound zone reproduction with a single reflection",
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
136 (6): 3085-3096, Dec. 2014.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint ]
M. Kundegórski, P.J.B. Jackson, and B. Ziółko,
"Two-microphone dereverberation for Polish ASR",
Archives of Acoustics,
39 (3): 411-420, Sept. 2014.
[ bib |
doi ]
P. Coleman, P.J.B. Jackson, M. Olik, and J.A. Pedersen,
"Personal audio with a planar bright zone",
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
136 (4): 725-1735, Oct. 2014.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint ]
A. Alinaghi, P.J.B. Jackson, Q. Liu, and W. Wang,
"Joint mixing vector and binaural model based stereo source separation",
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, & Language Processing,
22 (9): 1434:1448, Sept. 2014.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint ]
P. Coleman, P.J.B. Jackson, M. Olik, M. Møller, M. Olsen, and J.A. Pedersen,
"Acoustic contrast, planarity and robustness of sound zone methods using a circular loudspeaker array",
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
135 (4): 1929-1940, April 2014.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint ]
Conference paper
L. Remaggi, P.J.B. Jackson, P. Coleman and W. Wang,
"Room boundary estimation from acoustic room impulse responses",
In Proc. 4th Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD 2014) Conference, Edinburgh, UK, Sept. 2014.
[ bib |
preprint |
poster |
doi ]
P. Coleman and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Planarity panning for listener-centered spatial audio",
In Proc. Audio Engineering Society 55th International Conference on Spatial Audio, 8 pp.,
Helsinki, Aug. 2014.
[ bib |
preprint |
link ]
P. Coleman, P.J.B. Jackson, M. Olik, and J.A. Pedersen,
"Numerical optimization of loudspeaker configuration for sound zone reproduction" (invited),
In Proc. 21st International Conference on Sound & Vibration, 8 pp.,
Beijing, July 2014.
[ bib |
preprint ]
P. Coleman, P.J.B. Jackson, M. Olik, and J.A. Pedersen,
"Stereophonic personal audio reproduction using planarity control optimization" (invited),
In Proc. 21st International Conference on Sound & Vibration, 8 pp.,
Beijing, July 2014.
[ bib |
preprint ]
P. Coleman, P.J.B. Jackson, M. Olik, S. Bech, J.A. Pedersen, M. Olsen, and M. Møller,
"A sound-field control method using a planarity measure",
WO Patent App. PCT/EP2014/050,081, July 2014.
[ bib |
url ]
P. Coleman, P.J.B. Jackson, J.A. Pedersen,
"Zonal sound distribution",
EP Patent App. EP20140150759, July 2014.
[ bib |
url ]
Academic journal
Q. Liu, W. Wang, P.J.B. Jackson, M. Barnard, J. Kittler, and J. Chambers,
"Source separation of convolutive and noisy mixtures using audio-visual dictionary learning and probabilistic time-frequency masking",
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
61 (22): 5520-5535, October 2013.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint ]
Conference paper
A. Alinaghi, P.J.B. Jackson, and W. Wang,
"Comparison between the statistical cues in BSS techniques and binaural cues in CASA approaches for reverberant speech separation",
In Proc. IET Intelligent Signal Processing, London, December 2013.
[ bib |
preprint |
poster ]
M. Olik, J. Francombe, P.J.B. Jackson, P. Coleman, M. Olsen, M. Møller, R. Mason, and S. Bech,
"A comparative performance study of sound zoning methods in a reflective environment",
In Proc. Audio Engineering Society 52nd International Conference on Sound Field Control, pp. 218-227,
Guildford, UK, September 2013.
[ bib |
preprint ]
link |
P. Coleman, P.J.B. Jackson, M. Olik, and J.A. Pedersen,
"Optimizing the planarity of sound zones",
In Proc. Audio Engineering Society 52nd International Conference on Sound Field Control, pp. 208-217,
Guildford, UK, September 2013.
[ bib |
preprint |
link ]
J. Francombe, P. Coleman, M. Olik, K. Baykaner, P.J.B. Jackson, R. Mason, M. Dewhirst, S. Bech, and J.A. Pedersen,
"Perceptually optimized loudspeaker selection for the creation of personal sound zones",
In Proc. Audio Engineering Society 52nd International Conference on Sound Field Control, pp. 173-182,
Guildford, UK, September 2013.
[ bib |
preprint |
link ]
P. Coleman, P.J.B. Jackson, M. Olik, M. Olsen, M. Møller, and J.A. Pedersen,
"The influence of regularization on anechoic performance and robustness of sound zone methods",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133:3344 (A),
In Proc. 21st International Congress on Acoustics, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Vol. 19, pp. 055055, Montréal, Canada, June 2013.
[ bib |
abstract |
doi ]
P.J.B. Jackson, F. Jacobsen, P. Coleman, and J.A. Pedersen,
"Sound field planarity characterized by superdirective beamforming",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133:3344 (A),
In Proc. 21st International Congress on Acoustics, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Montréal, Canada, June 2013.
[ bib |
abstract |
doi |
slides ]
M. Olik, P.J.B. Jackson, and P. Coleman,
"Influence of low-order room reflections on sound zone system performance",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133:3349 (A),
In Proc. 21st International Congress on Acoustics, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Vol. 19, pp. 015058, Montréal, Canada, June 2013.
[ bib |
abstract |
doi |
slides ]
A. Alinaghi, W. Wang, and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Spatial and coherence cues based time-frequency masking for binaural reverberant speech separation",
In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 2013.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint ]
P.J.B. Jackson and N.K. Desiraju,
"Use of 3D head shape for personalized binaural audio",
In Proc. AES 49th International Conference on Audio for Games,
London, Feb. 2013.
[ bib |
preprint |
poster ]
Academic journal
Q. Liu, W. Wang and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Use of bimodal coherence to resolve the permutation problem in convolutive BSS",
Signal Processing, 92 (8): 1916-1927, August 2012.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint ]
Conference paper
A. Alinaghi, P.J.B. Jackson and W. Wang,
"Separation of underdetermined reverberant speech mixtures by monaural, binaural and statistical cue combination",
In Proc. 9th IMA International Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing,
Birmingham, UK, Dec. 2012.
[ bib |
preprint ]
Q. Liu, W. Wang, P.J.B. Jackson and M. Barnard,
"Reverberant speech separation based on audio-visual dictionary learning and binaural cues",
In Proc. IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP 2012),
Ann Abor MI, Aug. 2012.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint ]
Conference abstract
A. Alinaghi, W. Wang and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Separation and enhancement of reverberant speech mixtures using binaural cues, statistical properties and precedence effect",
In Proc. UK Speech,
p. 18 A, Birmingham, UK, Dec. 2012.
[ bib |
abstract ]
P. Coleman, M. Møller, M. Olsen, M. Olik, P.J.B. Jackson and J.A. Pedersen,
"Performance of optimized sound field control techniques in simulated and real acoustic environments",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131(4):3465 (A),
Acoustics 2012, Hong Kong,
Apr. 2012.
[ bib |
doi |
abstract |
slides |
video ]
F. Rumsey, S. Zielinski, P.J.B. Jackson, M. Dewhirst, R. Conetta, S. George, S. Bech, D. Meares and B. Supper,
"System, devices and methods for predicting the perceived spatial quality of sound processing and reproducing equipment",
US Patent Grant 12/051,912, Aug. 2012.
[ bib |
url ]
Conference paper
L. Litwic and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Source localization and separation using random sample consensus with phase cues",
In Proc. IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics,
Mohonk, NY, Oct. 2011.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint |
poster ]
Q. Liu, W. Wang and P.J.B. Jackson,
"A visual voice activity detection method with adaboosting",
In Proc. Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD 2011),
London, UK, Sept. 2011.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint ]
Q. Liu, S.M. Naqvi, W. Wang, P.J.B. Jackson and J. Chambers,
"Robust feature selection for scaling ambiguity reduction in audio-visual convolutive BSS",
In Proc. 19th European Signal Processing Conference 2011, Barcelona, Aug./Sept. 2011.
[ bib |
preprint ]
A. Alinaghi, W. Wang and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Integrating binaural cues and blind source separation method for separating reverberant speech mixtures",
In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2011), Prague, pp.209-212, May 2011.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint |
poster ]
Conference abstract
A. Alinaghi, W. Wang and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Under-determined reverberant speech separation using binaural cues and blind source separation approach",
In Proc. Audis Conference 2011: Signal Processing and Audiology From Front-end to Perception,
Southampton, UK, Sept. 2011.
[ bib |
abstract |
slides ]
Jackson, P.J.B. (2011).
"HMM tutorial".
Centre for Vision Speech & Signal Processing, University of Surrey,
Guildford, UK.
P.J.B. Jackson and S. Haq,
"Surrey Audio-Visual Expressed Emotion (SAVEE) Database",
Online, version 1.0, April 2011.
[ ]
Academic journal
S. George, S. Zielinski, F. Rumsey, P. Jackson, R. Conetta, M. Dewhirst, D. Meares, S. Bech,
"Development and validation of an unintrusive model for predicting the sensation of envelopment arising from surround sound recordings",
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society (JAES),
58 (12): 1013-1031, December 2010.
[ bib |
preprint |
journal ]
Conference paper
Q. Liu, W. Wang, and P.J.B. Jackson, "Use of Bimodal Coherence to Resolve Spectral Indeterminacy in Convolutive BSS",
In Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation
(LVA/ICA 2010),
St. Malo, France, Sept. 2010.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint ]
Q. Liu, W. Wang, and P.J.B. Jackson, "Bimodal Coherence based Scale Ambiguity Cancellation for Target Speech Extraction and Enhancement", In Proc. Interspeech 2010,
pp. 438-441, Makuhari, Japan, Sept. 2010.
[ bib |
preprint ]
Q. Liu, W. Wang, and P.J.B. Jackson, "Audio-visual Convolutive Blind Source Separation", In Proc. Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD 2010), London, UK, Sept. 2010.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint ]
P.J.B. Jackson, M. Dewhirst, R. Conetta and S. Zielinski,
"Estimates of perceived spatial quality across the listening area",
In Proc. AES 38th Int. Conf.,
pp. 233-242, Piteå, Sweden, June 2010.
[ bib |
abstract |
preprint ]
Conference abstract
A. Alinaghi, W. Wang and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Blind separation of reverberant speech mixtures (via statistical modeling of binaural cues and mixing vectors)",
In Machine Listening Workshop (MLW 2010), Queen Mary University of London, UK, Dec. 2010.
[ abstract |
poster ]
Book chapter
S. Haq and P.J.B. Jackson, "Multimodal Emotion Recognition",
In W. Wang (ed),
Machine Audition: Principles, Algorithms and Systems, IGI Global Press, ISBN 978-1615209194, chapter 17, pp. 398-423, July 2010.
[ bib |
doi |
pdf ]
P.J.B. Jackson, D.M. Moreno, C.H. Shadle, M.J. Russell and J. Hernando,
"PSHF: Pitch-Scaled Harmonic Filter",
Online, version 3.13, Dec. 2010.
[ ]
Academic journal
J.D. Edge, A. Hilton and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Model-based synthesis of visual speech movements
from 3D video",
EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing (JASMP),
special issue on
"Animating, Virtual Speakers or Singers from Audio: Lip-Synching Facial
vol. 2009, Article ID 597267, 12 pages, 2009.
[ bib |
doi |
link ]
P.J.B. Jackson and V.D. Singampalli,
"Statistical identification of critical articulators in the production of speech",
Speech Comm.,
51 (8): 695-710, August 2009.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint ]
Conference paper
S. Haq and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Speaker-dependent audio-visual emotion recognition",
In Proc. Int. Conf. on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing (AVSP'09),
Norwich, UK, pp. 53-58,
Sept. 2009.
[ bib |
preprint |
slides ]
J.D. Edge, A. Hilton and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Model-based synthesis of visual speech movements from 3D video",
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA,
August 2009.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint ]
S. Soltuz, W. Wang and P.J.B. Jackson,
"A hybrid iterative algorithm for nonnegative matrix
In Proc. IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP'09), Cardiff, UK,
August 2009.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint ]
A. Barney and P.J.B. Jackson,
"A model of jet modulation in voiced fricatives",
In Proc. Int. Conf. on Acoust. NAG-DAGA2009, Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp. 1733-1736, March 2009.
[ bib |
preprint ]
Conference abstract
N.N. Nadtoka, J.D. Edge, P.J.B. Jackson, A. Hilton,
"Isolated face region analysis for emotional speech synthesis",
In Proc. 6th European Conf. on Visual Media Production (CVMP09),
p. 17, London, Nov. 2009.
[ bib |
abstract ]
N. Nadtoka, J. Edge, P.J.B. Jackson and A. Hilton,
"Expressive factors in facial animation",
In Proc. Workshop on Face Behaviour and Interaction,
p. 5, Manchester, UK, Aug. 2009.
[ slides ]
J. Edge, A. Hilton and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Model-based Synthesis of Visual Speech Movements
from 3D Video",
In Proc. One-day BMVA Technical Meeting Facial Analysis and
Edinburgh, UK, June 2009.
[ slides |
demo ]
S. Haq and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Speaker Dependent Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition",
In Proc. One-day BMVA Technical Meeting Facial Analysis and
Edinburgh, UK, June 2009.
[ poster ]
V. Singampalli and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Roles in Articulation for Speech Animation",
In Proc. One-day BMVA Technical Meeting Facial Analysis and
Edinburgh, UK, June 2009.
[ abstract |
poster |
demo ]
N. Nadtoka, J. Edge, A. Hilton and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Emotion Analysis for Expressive 3D
Video Speech Synthesis",
In Proc. One-day BMVA Technical Meeting Facial Analysis and
Edinburgh, UK, June 2009.
F. Rumsey, S. Zielinski, P.J.B. Jackson, M. Dewhirst, R. Conetta, S. George, S. Bech, D. Meares and B. Supper,
"System, devices and methods for predicting the perceived spatial quality of sound processing and reproducing equipment",
US Patent App. 12/051,912, Sept. 2009.
[ bib |
url ]
V. Singampalli and P.J.B. Jackson ,
"ACIDA: Articulation constraint identification algorithm",
Online, version 1.0, March 2009.
[ bib | ]
V. Singampalli and P.J.B. Jackson ,
"Annotation notes for the MOCHA-TIMIT database (v 1.2)",
Online, version 1.0, March 2009.
[ bib | ]
S. George, M. Dewhirst, R. Conetta, S. Zielinski, F. Rumsey, P.J.B. Jackson, S. Bech, D. Meares and B. Supper,
"QESTRAL demonstrator",
Online, version 1.0, March 2009.
[ bib | ]
Academic journal
Y. Shiga and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Start-node and end-node pruning for efficient segmental-HMM decoding",
Electronics Letters, 40 (1): 60-61, Jan. 2008.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint ]
Conference paper
P.J.B. Jackson and V.D. Singampalli,
"Coarticulatory constraints determined by automatic
identification from articulograph data",
In Proc. 8th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP'08),
p. 377-380, Strasbourg, France, Dec. 2008.
[ bib |
preprint |
poster ]
F. Rumsey, S. Zielinski, P.J.B. Jackson, M. Dewhirst,
R. Conetta, S. George, S. Bech and D. Meares,
"QESTRAL (Part 1): Quality Evaluation of Spatial
Transmission and Reproduction using an Artificial Listener",
In Proc. 125th Audio Engineering Society Convention,
San Francisco CA, Preprint 7595, Oct. 2008.
[ bib |
preprint |
slides ]
R. Conetta, F. Rumsey, S. Zielinski, P.J.B. Jackson, M. Dewhirst, S. Bech, D. Meares and S. George,
"QESTRAL (Part 2): Calibrating the QESTRAL
model using listening test data",
In Proc. 125th Audio Engineering Society Convention,
San Francisco CA, Preprint 7596, Oct. 2008.
[ bib | preprint | slides ]
P.J.B. Jackson, M. Dewhirst, R. Conetta, S. Zielinski, F. Rumsey, D. Meares, S. Bech and S. George,
"QESTRAL (Part 3): System and metrics for
spatial quality prediction",
In Proc. 125th Audio Engineering Society Convention,
San Francisco CA, Preprint 7597, Oct. 2008.
[ bib | preprint | slides ]
M. Dewhirst, R. Conetta, F. Rumsey, P.J.B. Jackson, S. Zielinski, S. George, S. Bech and D. Meares,
"QESTRAL (Part 4): Test signals, combining metrics and
the prediction of overall spatial quality",
In Proc. 125th Audio Engineering Society Convention,
San Francisco CA, Preprint 7598, Oct. 2008.
[ bib | preprint | slides ]
S. George, S. Zielinski, F. Rumsey, R. Conetta, M. Dewhirst, P.J.B. Jackson, D. Meares and S. Bech,
"An unintrusive objective model for predicting the sensation of envelopment arising from surround sound recordings",
In Proc. 125th Audio Engineering Society Convention,
San Francisco CA, Preprint 7599, Oct. 2008.
[ bib | preprint | slides ]
S. Haq, P.J.B. Jackson and J. Edge,
"Audio-visual feature selection and reduction for emotion classification",
In Proc. International Conference on Auditory-Visual
Speech Processing (AVSP'08),
Tangalooma, Australia, Sept. 2008.
[ bib |
preprint ]
J. Edge, A. Hilton and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Parameterisation of 3D speech lip movements",
In Proc. International Conference on Auditory-Visual
Speech Processing (AVSP'08),
Tangalooma, Australia, Sept. 2008.
[ bib |
preprint ]
L.M.T. Jesus and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Frication and voicing classification",
In Proc. International Conference on Computational Processing of Portuguese (PROPOR'08),
Aveiro, Portugal, Sept. 2008.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint |
book |
slides ]
J.H. Longton and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Parallel model combination and word recognition in soccer audio",
In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME'08),
Hannover, Germany, June 2008.
[ bib |
doi |
preprint ]
Conference abstract
R. Conetta, F. Rumsey, S. Zielinski, P.J.B. Jackson, M. Dewhirst, S. Bech, D. Meares and S. George,
"Calibration of the QESTRAL model for the prediction of spatial quality",
In Proc. Inst. of Acoust.: 24th Reproduced Sound Conf.,
Brighton, UK, Nov. 2008.
[ bib | abstract | poster ]
N. Nadtoka, J. Edge, A. Hilton and P.J.B. Jackson,
"3D video analysis of emotional speech",
In Proc. One-day Meeting for Young Speech Researchers (UKSpeech'08), p. 5, Guildford, UK, July 2008.
[ bib ]
S. Haq, P.J.B. Jackson and J. Edge,
"Audiovisual Emotion Recognition in an English Database",
In Proc. One-day Meeting for Young Speech Researchers (UKSpeech'08), p. 6, Guildford, UK, July 2008.
[ bib ]
V.D. Singampalli and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Towards deriving compact and meaningful articulatory representations: an analysis of feature extraction techniques",
In Proc. One-day Meeting for Young Speech Researchers (UKSpeech'08), p. 29, Guildford, UK, July 2008.
[ bib | abstract ]
J. Longton and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Parallel model combination and digit recognition with soccer audio",
In Proc. One-day Meeting for Young Speech Researchers (UKSpeech'08), p. 30, Guildford, UK, July 2008.
[ bib ]
P.J.B. Jackson, M. Dewhirst, S. Zielinski, F. Rumsey, R. Conetta, D. Meares and S. Bech,
"Prediction of spatial perceptual attributes of reproduced sound across the listening area",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 123 (5, pt.2): 2979,
Presented at Acoustics'08, Paris,
July 2008.
[ bib |
doi |
abstract ]
F. Rumsey, S. Zielinski, P.J.B. Jackson, M. Dewhirst, R. Conetta, S. Bech and D. Meares,
"Measuring perceived spatial quality changes in surround sound reproduction",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 123 (5, pt.2): 2980,
Presented at Acoustics'08, Paris,
July 2008.
[ bib |
doi |
abstract ]
P.J.B. Jackson and V.D. Singampalli,
"Statistical identification of critical, dependent and redundant articulators",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 123 (5, pt.2): 3321,
Presented at Acoustics'08, Paris,
July 2008.
[ bib |
doi |
abstract |
slides ]
A. Barney and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Analysis of frication noise modulation from a physical model",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 123 (5, pt.2): 3578,
Presented at Acoustics'08, Paris,
July 2008.
[ bib |
doi ]
J. Pincas and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Roughness detection in fricative-like noise and tone stimuli",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 123 (5, pt.2): 3564,
Presented at Acoustics'08, Paris,
July 2008.
[ bib |
doi ]
J. Pincas and P.J.B. Jackson,
"Amplitude modulation of noise cues voicing distinction in fricatives",
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 123 (5, pt.2): 3934,
Presented at Acoustics'08, Paris,
July 2008.
[ bib |
doi ]
P.J.B. Jackson (ed.),
Proceedings of UK Speech 2008: One-day meeting for young speech researchers, Guildford, UK, July 2008.
[ bib | pdf ]
P.J.B. Jackson, Y. Shiga, V. Singampalli and M.J. Russell,
"SegRec: Segmental HMM Recognition software",
Online, version 1.0, March 2008.
[ bib | ]
Academic journal papers
MJ Russell,
X Zheng,
PJB Jackson
"Modelling speech signals using formant frequencies as an intermediate representation".
IET Signal Processing,
1 (1):
[ bib |
doi |
abstract |
preprint ]
J Pincas, PJB Jackson
"Amplitude modulation of turbulence noise by voicing in fricatives".
J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
120 (6):
[ bib |
doi |
abstract |
preprint ]
MJ Russell, PJB Jackson
"A multiple-level linear/linear segmental HMM with a formant-based
intermediate layer".
Computer Speech and Language,
19 (2):
[ bib |
doi |
abstract |
preprint ]
PJB Jackson, B-H Lo,
MJ Russell
"Data-driven, non-linear, formant-to-acoustic mapping for
Electronics Letters,
38 (13): 667-669.
[ bib |
doi |
abstract |
preprint ]
PJB Jackson, CH Shadle
"Pitch-scaled estimation of simultaneous voiced and turbulence-noise
components in speech".
IEEE Trans. on Spch. & Aud. Proc.,
9 (7):
[ bib |
doi |
abstract |
preprint |
eprint | full paper]
PJB Jackson, CH Shadle
"Frication noise modulated by voicing, as
revealed by pitch-scaled decomposition".
J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
108 (4):
[ bib |
doi |
abstract |
preprint |
eprint ]
Refereed conference papers
V Singampalli, PJB Jackson
"Statistical identification of critical, dependent and redundant articulators".
In Proc. Interspeech 2007,
Antwerp, Belgium.
[ bib | preprint | slides ]
A Turkmani, A Hilton, PJB Jackson, J Edge
"Visual analysis of lip coarticulation in VCV utterances".
In Proc. Interspeech 2007,
4 pp.,
Antwerp, Belgium.
[ bib |
abstract | preprint ]
PJB Jackson
"Time-frequency-modulation representation of stochastic signals".
In Proc. IEEE DSP 2007,
pp. 639-642,
Cardiff, UK.
[ bib |
doi |
abstract |
pdf |
slides ]
M Every, PJB Jackson
"Enhancement of harmonic content of speech based on a dynamic
programming pitch tracking algorithm".
In Proc. Interspeech 2006,
4 pp.,
Pittsburgh PA.
[ abstract | pdf ]
J Pincas, PJB Jackson
"Amplitude modulation of frication noise by voicing saturates".
In Proc. Interspeech 2005,
4 pp.,
Lisbon, Portugal.
abstract |
pdf | poster |
bib ]
M Dewhirst, S Zielinski,
PJB Jackson, F Rumsey
"Objective assessment of spatial localisation attributes of surround-sound reproduction systems".
In Proc. 118th Conv. Aud. Eng. Soc.,
16 pp.,
Barcelona, Spain, Preprint 6441.
[ bib |
abstract | pdf ]
IA Ypsilos, A Hilton,
A Turkmani, PJB Jackson
"Speech-driven face synthesis from 3D video".
In Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. on 3D Data Proc., Vis. & Trans.,
Thessaloniki, Greece.
[ abstract |
doi |
pdf ]
J Pincas, PJB Jackson
"Acoustic correlates of voicing-frication interaction in
In Proc. From Sound to Sense,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
[ abstract | pdf | poster ]
PJB Jackson, DM Moreno,
MJ Russell, J Hernando
"Covariation and weighting of harmonically decomposed streams for
In Proc. Eurospeech 2003,
Geneva, Switzerland.
[ abstract | pdf | slides |
ISCA archive ]
MJ Russell, PJB Jackson
"The effect of an intermediate articulatory layer on the performance
of a segmental HMM".
In Proc. Eurospeech 2003,
Geneva, Switzerland.
[ abstract | pdf ]
PJB Jackson
"Improvements in phone-classification accuracy from modelling
In Proc. Int. Cong. of Phon. Sci., ICPhS 2003,
Barcelona, Spain.
[ abstract | pdf | poster ]
DM Moreno, PJB Jackson,
J Hernando, MJ Russell
"Improved ASR in noise using harmonic decomposition".
In Proc. Int. Cong. of Phon. Sci., ICPhS 2003,
Barcelona, Spain.
[ abstract | pdf | ppt ]
MJ Russell, PJB Jackson,
MLP Wong
"Development of articulatory-based multi-level segmental HMMs for phonetic
classification in ASR".
In Proc. EURASIP Conf. on Video/Image Proc. & Multimedia Comm.,
EC-VIP-MC 2003,
2: 655-660,
Zagreb, Croatia.
[ abstract |
doi |
pdf ]
PJB Jackson, MJ Russell
"Models of speech dynamics in a segmental-HMM recognizer
using intermediate linear representations".
In Proc. Int. Conf. on Spoken Lang. Proc.,
ICSLP 2002,
Denver, Colorado, USA.
[ abstract | pdf | ppt ]
PJB Jackson
"Acoustic cues of voiced and voiceless plosives
for determining place of articulation".
In Proc. Workshop on
Consistent and Reliable Acoustic Cues
for sound analysis, CRAC 2001,
Aalborg, Denmark.
[ abstract | pdf ]
PJB Jackson, CH Shadle
"Uses of the pitch-scaled harmonic
filter in speech processing".
In Proc. Inst. Acoust., WISP 2001,
23 (3): 309-321,
Stratford-upon-Avon, UK.
[ abstract | pdf | ppt ]
PJB Jackson, CH Shadle
"Performance of the pitch-scaled harmonic
filter and applications in speech analysis".
3: 1311-1314,
Istanbul, Turkey.
[ abstract |
doi |
pdf ]
PJB Jackson, CH Shadle
"Aero-acoustic modelling of voiced and unvoiced
fricatives based on MRI data".
In Proc. 5th Spch. Prod. Sem., SPS 2000,
pp. 185-188, Seeon, Germany.
[ abstract | pdf ]
CH Shadle, M Mohammad,
JN Carter, PJB Jackson
"Multi-Planar Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging: new tools
for speech research".
In Proc. 14th Int. Cong. Phon. Sci., ICPhS 1999,
1: 623-626,
San Francisco, California, USA.
[ abstract |
pdf ]
PJB Jackson, CH Shadle
"Pitch-synchronous decomposition of mixed-source
speech signals".
In Proc. Int. Cong. Acoust. and
Acoust. Soc. Am., ICA/ASA 1998,
1: 263-264,
Seattle, Washington, USA.
[ abstract |
pdf |
doi ]
PJB Jackson, CF Ross
"Application of active noise control to corporate aircraft".
In Proc. Am. Soc. Mech.
Eng., ASME 1996,
DE93: 19-24,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
[ abstract | preprint ]
Refereed conference abstracts
A Barney, PJB Jackson
"Aerodynamically-based parametric description of the noise envelope in voiced fricatives".
In J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
121 (5, Pt. 2): 3122 A,
Salt Lake City, UT, USA.
[ abstract ]
V Singampalli, PJB Jackson
"A statistical technique for identifying articulatory roles in speech production".
In Proc. One-day Meeting for Young Speech
Researchers (UK Speech'07),
p. 25 A,
[ abstract |
poster ]
R Conetta, PJB Jackson, S Zielinski, F Rumsey
"Envelopment: What is it? A definition for multichannel audio".
In Proc. 1st SpACE-Net Workshop,
York, UK.
[ bib |
abstract | poster ]
V Singampalli, PJB Jackson
"Coarticulatory relations in a compact model of articulatory dynamics".
In Proc. one-day meeting on Unified Models for Speech Recognition and Synthesis,*
Birmingham, UK,
p.3 (A).
[ abstract(.txt) |
slides ]
Y Shiga, PJB Jackson
"Comparison of Pruning Strategies for Segmental HMMs".
In Proc. one-day meeting on Unified Models for Speech Recognition and Synthesis,*
Birmingham, UK,
p.7 (A).
[ abstract(.txt) |
slides ]
N Nadtoka, PJB Jackson, J Edge, A Hilton, J Tena
"Representing dynamics of facial expressions".
In IET Conference on Visual Media Production,
London, UK.
1 p. (A).
[ bib |
pdf ]
A Barney, PJB Jackson
"Modulation of frication noise in a dynamic mechanical model of the larynx and vocal tract".
In J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
119 (5, Pt. 2): 3301 A,
Providence, RI, USA.
[ abstract ]
J Pincas, PJB Jackson
"Detection thresholds for amplitude modulation of noise with simultaneous modulating tone".
In J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
119 (5, Pt. 2): 3234 A,
Providence, RI, USA.
[ abstract ]
V Singampalli, PJB Jackson
"Statistical models to relate speech gestures to meaning".
Presented at One-day meeting on Trajectory models for speech processing,*
Edinburgh, UK.
[ abstract ]
J Pincas, PJB Jackson
"Amplitude profiles of fricatives described by temporal moments".
In Proc. One-day Meeting for Young Speech
p. 12 A,
London, UK.
[ abstract |
slides ]
PJB Jackson, LMT Jesus,
CH Shadle, J Pincas
"Measures of voiced frication for automatic classification".
In J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
115 (5, Pt. 2): 2429 A,
New York, New York, USA.
[ abstract ]
MJ Russell, PJB Jackson
"Regularized re-estimation of stochastic duration models".
In J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
115 (5, Pt. 2): 2429 A,
New York, New York, USA.
[ abstract ]
J Pincas, PJB Jackson
"Quantifying voicing-frication interaction effects in voiced and
voiceless fricatives".
In Proc. One-day Meeting for Young Speech
p. 27 A,
London, UK.
[ abstract ]
DM Moreno, PJB Jackson
"A front end using periodic and aperiodic streams for
In Proc. One-day Meeting for Young Speech
p. 18 A,
London, UK.
[ abstract |
slides ]
PJB Jackson, B-H Lo,
MJ Russell
"Models of speech dynamics for ASR, using intermediate linear
Presented at NATO Advanced Study Institute on the
Dynamics of Speech Production and Perception,
Il Ciocco, Italy.
[ abstract |
ppt ]
PJB Jackson
"Mama and papa: the ancestors of modern-day speech
In Proc. Int. Conf. & Commem. Bicent. Death of Erasmus
Darwin, ICCBDED,
p. 14 A,
Lichfield, UK.
[ abstract |
ppt ]
PJB Jackson, CH Shadle
"Modelling vocal-tract acoustics validated by
flow experiments".
In J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
105 (2, Pt. 2): 1161 A,
Berlin, Germany.
[ abstract ]
PJB Jackson, CH Shadle
"Analysis of mixed-source speech sounds:
aspiration, voiced fricatives and breathiness".
In Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Voice Phys. and
Biomechanics, ICVPB 1999,
p. 30 A,
Berlin, Germany.
[ abstract ]
Book chapter
PJB Jackson
"Mama and papa: the ancestors of modern-day speech
science", pp. 217-236,
CUM Smith and RG Arnott (eds.),
The Genius of Erasmus Darwin, ISBN: 0-754-63671-2,
Aldershot, UK:
[ bib |
abstract |
preprint ]
PhD thesis
PJB Jackson
"Characterisation of plosive, fricative and aspiration
components in speech production",
PhD Thesis,
Department of Electronics and Computer Science, University of
Southampton, Southampton, UK.
[ bib |
abstract |
ToC |
pdf ]