Ph.D., 2003 -University of Toronto
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- Fundamentals and applications of non-crystallographic photonic structures
- Thermal radiation in nano-structured photonic materials; thermal management and thermophotovoltaic energy conversion
- Quantum nonlinear optics and all-optical information processing in micro-structured photonic materials
- Physics of structural colors in biophotonic nanostructures
- Temperature insensitive semiconductor materials: electronic structure and loss mechanisms in dilute bismide and nitride alloys
- Hyperuniform disordered 2D and 3D electronic systems: amorphous graphene and silicon models
- Flux quantization in disordered superconducting networks
- Single-photon sources and detectors
- Cavity-mediated entanglement of photonic and electronic excitations
- Hyperuniform disordered 2D and 3D electronic systems
- Quantum memory and loss quenching in quantum information systems
- A. Burgess, M. Florescu and D. M. Rouse, "Strong coupling dynamics of driven quantum systems with permanent dipoles", AVS Quantum Sci. 5, 031402 (2023).
- N. Granchi, F. Intonti, M. Florescu, P. D. García, M. Gurioli, and G. Arregui, "Q-Factor Optimization of Modes in Ordered and Disordered Photonic Systems Using Non-Hermitian Perturbation Theory", ACS Photonics 10, 2808 (2023).
- N. Granchi, R. Spalding, K. Stokkereit, M. Lodde, M. Petruzzella, F. V. Otten, R. Sapienza, A. Fiore, M. Florescu, and F. Intonti, "High spatial resolution imaging of light localization in hyperuniform disordered patterns of circular air pores in a dielectric slab", Front. Photon. 4, 1199411 (2023).
- N. Granchi, M. Lodde, K. Stokkereit, R. Spalding, P. J. van Veldhoven, R. Sapienza, A. Fiore, M. Gurioli, M. Florescu, and F. Intonti, "Near-field imaging of optical nanocavities in hyperuniform disordered materials", Phys. Rev. B 107, 064204 (2023).
- A. Burgess and M. Florescu, "Quantum memory effects in atomic ensembles coupled to photonic cavities", AVS Quantum Sci. 5, 011402 (2023).
- A. Burgess and M. Florescu, "Non-Markovian dynamics of a single excitation within many-body dissipative systems", Phys. Rev. A. 105, 062207 (2022).
- N. Tavakoli, R. Spalding, A. Lambertz, P. Koppejan, G. Gkantzounis, C. Wan, R. Rohrich, E. Kontoleta, A. F. Koenderink, R. Sapienza, M. Florescu* and E. Alarcon-Llado*, "Over 65% Sunlight Absorption in a 1 micron Si Slab with Hyperuniform Texture", ACS Photonics 9, 2102565 (2022).
- N. Granchi, R. Spalding, M. Lodde, M. Petruzzella, F.W. Otten, A. Fiore, F. Intonti, R. Sapienza, M. Florescu and M. Gurioli, "Near-Field Investigation of Luminescent Hyperuniform Disordered Materials", Adv. Optical Mater. 10, 1206 (2022).
- M. Naftaly, G. Savvides, F. Alshareef, P. Flanigan, G. Lui, M. Florescu and R.A. Mullen, "Non-Destructive Porosity Measurements of 3D Printed Polymer by Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy", Appl. Sci. 12 , 927 (2022).
- A. Burgess and M. Florescu, "Modelling non-Markovian dynamics in photonic crystals with recurrent neural networks", Opt. Mater. Express 11 , 2037-2048 (2021).
- I. Maimouni, M. Morvaridi, M. Russo, G. Lui, K. Morozov, J. Cossy, M. Florescu, M. Labousse, and P. Tabeling, "Micrometric Monodisperse Solid Foams as Complete Photonic Bandgap Materials", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces28 , 32061 (2020).
- I. Jurewicz, A. King, R. Shanker, M. J. Large, R. J Smith, R. Maspero, S. P. Ogilvie, J. Scheerder, J. Han, C. Backes, J. M Razal, M. Florescu, J. L. Keddie, J. N. Coleman, A. B. Dalton, "Mechanochromic and Thermochromic Sensors Based on Graphene Infused Polymer Opals", Advanced Functional Materials , 2002473 (2020).
- M. M Milosevic, W. Man, G. Nahal, P. J Steinhardt, S. Torquato, P. M Chaikin, T. Amoah, B. Yu, R. A. Mullen, and M. Florescu , "Hyperuniform disordered waveguides and devices for near infrared silicon photonics", Scientific Reports 9, 20338 (2019).
- G. Gkantzounis and M. Florescu, "Freeform Phononic Waveguides", Crystals 7, 535 (2017).
- Z. L. Bushell , M. Florescu , and S. J. Sweeney, "High-Q photonic crystal cavities in all-semiconductor photonic crystal heterostructures", Physical Review B 95, 235303 (2017).
- M. Castro-Lopez, M. Gaio, S. Sellers, G. Gkantzounis, M. Florescu, and R. Sapienza, "Reciprocal space engineering with hyperuniform gold disordered surfaces", APL Photonics 2, 061302 (2017); editor's pick.
- G. Gkantzounis, T. Amoah and M. Florescu, "Hyperuniform disordered phononic structures", Physical Review B, 95, 094120 (2017); APS Focus Story.
- S. Sellers, W. Man, S. Shaba and M. Florescu, "Local self-uniformity in photonic networks", " Nature Communications, 8, 14439 (2017).
- R. Maspero, S. Sweeney and M. Florescu, "Unfolding the band structure of GaAsBi", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 29 (2), 075001 (2017) .
- A. Utgenannt, R. Maspero, A. Fortini, R. Turner, M. Florescu, C. Jeynes, A. G. Kanaras, O. L. Muskens, R. P. Sear, and J. L. Keddie, "Fast Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles in Large-Area 2-D Nanogrids Using a One-Step, Near-Infrared Radiation-Assisted Evaporation Process ", ACS Nano, 10 (2), 2232 (2016).
- S. Tsitrin, E.P Williamson, T. Amoah, G. Nahal, H Leung Chan, M. Florescu and W. Man, "Unfolding the band structure of non-crystalline photonic band gap materials", Scientific Reports 5, 13301(R) (2015).
- Timothy Amoah and Marian Florescu, "High-Q optical cavities in hyperuniform disordered materials", Physical Review B, Rapid Communications 91, 020201(R) (2015); " editors suggestion.
- R. Wache, M. Florescu, S. Sweeney and S. Clowes, " Selectively reflective transparent sheets", Proc. SPIE 9162, 954607 (2015).
- Timothy Amoah and Marian Florescu, " Hyperuniform photonic slabs for high-Q cavities and low-loss waveguides", Proc. SPIE 9546, 95460F (2015).
- Marian Florescu, Man W, Mullen RA, Milosevic M, Amoah T, Chaikin PM, Torquato S, Steinhardt P., "Isotropic band gaps, optical cavities, and freeform waveguides in near-IR hyperuniform disordered photonic solids", Proc. SPIE 9162, 91620G (2014).
- Weining Man, Marian Florescu, Eric Paul Williamson, Yingquan He, Seyed Reza Hashemizad, Brian YC Leung, Devin Robert Liner, Salvatore Torquato, Paul M Chaikin, Paul J Steinhardt, "Isotropic band gaps and freeform waveguides observed in hyperuniform disordered photonic solids", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110, 15886 (2013).
- Marian Florescu, Salvatore Torquato, and Paul Steinhardt, " Optical cavities and waveguides in hyperuniform disordered photonic solids ", Physical Review B 87, 165116 (2013).
- Weining Man, Marian Florescu, Kazue Matsuyama, Polin Yadak, Geev Nahal, Seyed Hashemizad, Eric Williamson, Paul Steinhardt, Salvatore Torquato, Paul Chaikin, " Photonic band gap in isotropic hyperuniform disordered solids with low dielectric contrast", Optics Express 21, 19972 (2013).
- Marian Florescu, Salvatore Torquato, and Paul Steinhardt, "Effects of random link removal on the photonic band gaps of honeycomb networks ", Applied Physics Letters 97, 452523 (2010).
- Marian Florescu, Salvatore Torquato, and Paul Steinhardt, "Designer disordered materials with large complete photonic band gaps", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106, 20658 (2009).
- Christian Schuler, Christian Wolff, Kurt Busch, and Marian Florescu, "Thermal radiation from finite photonic crystals", Applied Physics Letters 95, 241103 (2009).
- Marian Florescu, Salvatore Torquato, and Paul Steinhardt, "Complete band gaps in two-dimensional photonic quasicrystals", Physical Review B 80, 155112 (2009).
- Marian Florescu, Kurt Busch and Jonathan P. Dowling, "Thermal radiation in photonic crystals", Physical Review B Rapid Communications 75, 201101 (R) (2007);
- Marian Florescu, Hwang Lee, Irina Puscasu, Martin Pralle, Lucia Florescu, David Ting and Jonathan Dowling, "Improving Solar Cell Efficiency Using Photonic Band-Gap Materials", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 91, 1599 (2007).
- Marian Florescu and Pawel Hawrylak, "Spin relaxation in lateral quantum dots: Effects of spin-orbit interaction", Physical Review B 73, 045304 (2006);
- Marian Florescu, Stefan Scheel, Hartmut Haeffner, Hwang Lee, Dmitry V.Strekalov, Peter L. Knight, and Jonathan P. Dowling, "Single photons on demand from 3D photonic band-gap structures", Europhysics Letters 69 (6), 945 (2005).
- Marian Florescu and Sajeev John, "Resonance fluorescence in photonic band gap waveguide architectures: Engineering the vacuum for all-optical switching", Physical Review A 69, 053810 (2004).
- Marian Florescu and Sajeev John, "Single-atom switching in photonic crystals, Physical Review A 64, 033801 (2001).
- Marian Florescu, Ruth Ann Mulen, Milan Milosevic and Timothy Amoah, "Hyperuniform disordered material with resonant structure", US Patent US9720172B1, 2017.
- Marian Florescu, Ruth Ann Mulen and Milan Milosevic, "Optical Structures and Hyperuniform Disordered Material", US Patent US20170315292A1, 2017.
- Marian Florescu, Salvatore Torquato and Paul Steinhardt, "Narrow-band frequency filters and splitters, photonic sensors, and cavities having pre-selected cavity modes", US Patent 9,465,141, 2016.
- Marian Florescu, Salvatore Torquato and Paul Steinhardt, "Non-crystalline materials having complete photonic, electronic or phononic band gaps", US Patent 9,207,357, 2015 and WO/2011/005530.
- Marian Florescu, Jonathan P. Dowling and Hwang Lee, " Angular-Selective Absorber Based on a 3D Photonic Crystal: Application to High-Efficiency Solar Energy Conversion , US Provisional Patent Application No. 61030610, 2008.